Infectious Disease Clinic

Infectious Disease Clinic

Ashwini Hospital offers outpatient care for diagnosing and treating infectious diseases (ID). Infectious diseases include chickenpox, shingles, influenza, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, post-operative infections, and others.

Specialty Areas

  • General Infectious Diseases From the common cold to West Nile virus, our clinic has specialists who treat patients with infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
  • Immunocompromised Hosts Some patients' abilities to fight disease can be limited by diseases, radiotherapy, or other causes. Our specialists evaluate and care for patients with compromised immune systems (or immunocompromised hosts).
  • Travel Medicine For travelers heading out or coming back, we provide services ranging from immunizations to up-to-date health information about potential health threats, pre-travel consultations to post-travel evaluations. We also provide discount consultations for group and business travelers.
  • Human Immunodeficiency Disease (HIV/AIDS)